Ways You Can Help
How does your pledge or involvement with us benefit you, your business or community?
- You Create New Associations Or Reach A Wider Audience.
It’s inherent that Giving to those lesser and seeing the ripple it causes makes us far happier than receiving. Involvement creates the sociable interaction to establish new friendships or help create expansive wellness and a contagious “Feel Good” vibration.
When partnering with us, your association, brand, name, and involvement with us will become known across our vast network, potentially generating new customers or future employees. Thus, your partnership with us will help yourself or your company create more connections.
- Helping Can Boost Individual And Company Morale.
The act of helping others, giving, or volunteering brings people together. Partnering with us creates the opportunity to become part of a larger community, and for work colleagues, a chance to do something fun together. These are the makes of things that unite people, create new associations, and strengthen employees’ bonds for a stronger workplace.
- You Explore Your Humanity Or Create A Good Image For Your Company.
Our humanity is determined by what we do and how we treat those lesser. Helping us in any way speaks highly of one’s integrity and humanity.
When an industry views a company that cares about those lesser or the community, society will carry such in the highest regard on the condition it’s done with true, sincere intentions. In reality, your partnership with us will set you apart from others who talk the talk but don’t walk it.
- Your Help Creates Even Greater Awareness For An Issue.
Your contribution or association with us helps raise awareness of many systemic problems or challenges in society.
- It Closes The Gap Between People, Industry, And The Marginalized.
During times of socio-political upheaval, many businesses are inversely targeted by crime, an act that often originates from the impoverished and marginalized communities past the breaking point. Other than the lack of governmental support, the absence of corporate social responsibility further exacerbates the intolerable disproportionate indifference between the “Have and Have Nots”.
Having presence, pledging, or partnering with us will contribute considerably to expunge much of the underlying tension that exists between “societal class structure”, “big corporations” and the “average person” who lives amidst ever-deteriorating circumstances.
Although many would prefer to remain anonymous, we encourage insincerity to allow us to make mention of any contribution. When acts of humanitarian gesture are acknowledged, such acts can and will have an impact on all aspects of society, including economic, social, and environmental.
The integrated relation between volunteers, donors, and partnering businesses and Earth Community Unethemba, is a win–win situation.
Please consider making one of the below connections with us today!
1) Volunteer Your Time Or Skills
We all have the one currency to spare, TIME & SKILLS. Once invested wisely or spent purposefully, such will yield great humanitarian return and cause a far-reaching, profound ripple of change for the better. Offering your time or skills will bring you into direct contact with others making a difference in our regions and communities. As such, it can be an incredibly fulfilling and enlightening experience, something that can open and alter your mind, perception and other opportunities for the better. Although Volunteering requires sacrifice and time, you can do so based on your availability or convenience.
2) Exchange Products or Services
Earth Community welcomes the Bartering system – meaning, the willing exchange of tangible products or services without the exchange of money. Thus, you can provide us with a branded vehicle, an essential tool for our projects, office space in your building, the list is endless. In exchange, your branded products will not only add to your visual marketing campaign but also give us the reciprocal opportunity to showcase your involvement with our cause, projects or programs.
3) Donate Raw Materials Or Other Items
Donating any surplus raw materials, non-perishable foods, blankets, stationery, old clothing, equipment or accessories you no longer have need for is a great way to help our self-sustainable existence and also inevitably others. Although we welcome donated goods with absolute gratefulness, please email us first to ensure its materials/items we have a need for, it’s within our budget to maintain or can be repaired to a good working condition.
4) Do Pro Bono Work
Pro bono work is professional work provided without payment – such as medical, accounting or legal services –, or at a greatly reduced fee. This kind of service differs from volunteering for it provides specific professional qualified/accredited skills to those who are unable to afford them. This can also be based on your availability, and some of your expenses tax-deductible.
5) Buy Our Products
Buying products from our Online Ubuntu Store not only strengthens our sustainability, but directly supports community artists and SMEs we collaborate with and feature. Whether you purchase as an individual, supply chain or trade business – please help strengthen the entrepreneurial spirit by considering us as a local supply alternative gateway, as opposed to buying from commercial retailers
6) Use Services Or Buy Trade Products For A Reduced Fee
Paying for our in-house typing, administrative services or that of our professional and international partnering affiliates/supporters in New York and Japan at a reduced rate, helps us not only to create superior product/service delivery, but also self-sustainable operations. Email us for further inquiry.
7) Provide Training Or Mentorship
Training and mentorship can help our workers – and/or our beneficiaries – to expand their skills and expertise. This could include developing much-needed operational skills that drive efficiency in the private sector, and can even become part of our HR recruiting strategy!